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Investor Readiness Series

FREE Interactive Virtual Classes for Sustainable Product Founders

Upcoming Classes

These interactive workshops are a great way for sustainable product founders to learn and grow their businesses. These workshops provide a hands-on approach to learning, empowering you to engage with the material and apply it to your businesses.

Oh... and they're FREE!

Upcoming Events
  • The Problem Clarity Workshop
    The Problem Clarity Workshop
    Mon, 16 Sept
    Zoom *will be recorded*
    16 Sept 2024, 11:00 – 12:20 GMT-4
    Zoom *will be recorded*
    PST: 8:00AM | EST: 11:00AM | BST: 4:00PM | CEST: 5:00PM Don’t just address a symptom—get to the root of the problem that aligns with your mission and attracts the right investors.
  • Hidden Pathways to Growth & Investment
    Hidden Pathways to Growth & Investment
    Tue, 24 Sept
    24 Sept 2024, 13:00 – 14:00 GMT-4
    PST: 10:00AM | EST: 1:00 PM | BST: 6:00 PM | CEST: 7:00 PM There is more business potential in your value chain than you realize. Discover new collaborative pathways that will exponentially grow your business and increase your appeal to investors.

Created by Founders, for Founders

Bringing a bold idea to life isn’t easy. The journey is full of challenges—self-doubt, overwhelming tasks, and the fear of getting it wrong. You’re not afraid of hard work, but without the right guidance and support, it’s easy to lose your way.

Sam Reader.jpeg

Sam Reader
Co-Founder & CEO at Wondr

Inside The Venture Lab, we believe in the power of big ideas. We know that with the right support, you can turn your vision into a reality.

Our program is designed to provide:

   •    A Can-Do Culture: Surround yourself with people who believe in the possibility of your vision and are committed to helping you achieve it.
   •    Weekly Aha Moments: Learn from industry leaders who have been where you are. Every week, you’ll gain new skills and perspectives that will help you level up your business.
   •    Supportive Community: Join a group of founders who are also on the journey to success. Celebrate progress together and push each other to reach new heights.

What are the next steps?

Virtual Meeting

Step 1

Join the waitlist and become a founding member when the program launches in late September, 2024.

Step 2

Participate in weekly workshops led by seasoned entrepreneurs and investors. Gain actionable insights and guidance tailored to your business.

Step 3

Celebrate each win with a community that understands the value of hard work and big dreams.

What's Inside the Venture Lab?

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